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Smoke-wood black on black Contour Cajón

Featuring a very attractive smoke-wood black on black stylized Cajón drum with leather features like no other. Handcrafted out of St Paul Minnesota, we fuss over every aspect of this drum from start to completion. If you like a big bass tone, a responsive hand-tuned snare and a Cajon with multiple different tones you have found the right drum for you! For a limited time we offer a free side bongo upgrade! Let us know if your high tone lefty or righty when you play.
We could say alot more about this drum but for now notice the price, this is a great deal for a drum that can last you another 20 years. Pay it off in 2 gigs! The quality drum gear should last a long time! The more you play a cajón the better they sound.
Get it ✊🏼